RVM 1.26.5 released, support for rhn-channel, improved security, more safeguards, bugfixes.
- RVM#3168 use tee instead of mv to force proper certificate permissions
- RVM#3185 filter out only variables starting with rvm_old_ in __rvm_unset_exports
- RVM#3194 use rhn-channel for libyml-devel
- RVM#3200 set user of file in __rvm_sed_i
- RVM#3201 Use the configured rvm_ruby_repo_branch when fetching Ruby source
- RVM#3202 run autopudate after initializing environment in rvm cli
- RVM#3205 ignore "./" in remote ruby package directory structure
- RVM#3212 add warning for unset GEM_HOME when PATH is set for rvm
- RVM#3214 use full mpapis key fingerprint
- allow checking files with which for missing wrappers, update rvm/rvm-capistrano#106
here are full changes: https://github.com/rvm/rvm/compare/1.26.4...1.26.5